Collin: imprint 2

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Collin still hadn't told you what you were to him, he had asked you out and you'd been dating for just under a year but he didn't know how to say it! Then again saying "I'm a werewolf and you're my soul mate" probably wouldn't work.

"Just sweep her off her feet!" Jared said pretending Seth was you and dipping the younger boy romantically.

"That's not gunna work." Coming said putting his head in his hands and looking down.

"No just push her up against the wall and slowly slip your fingers down her jeans and" Paul stopped his joke when Collin growled at him.

"Listen dude she loves you, she's gunna be fine with it." Brady said patting his best friends back.

"Oh yeah and maybe I'll just say hey babe, I'm a shapeshifter, the boys are too and you're my imprint!" He said throwing his hands in the air dramatically.

"Uh Collin-" Seth spoke but nobody took notice in him. "That explains why we're all so fast and strong and why you feel the way you do for me!" He continued sarcastically. "And we're gunna get married and have 5 kids and a dog!" He added.

"Oh really?" You said from the doorway. Seth couldn't help but laugh at your face when he realised you were listening.

"But I draw the line at 3 kids." The boys chuckled. "Next time, tell me these kinds of things before we start dating." You laughed with Kimberly, Jareds imprint before the two of you left.

"I told you she's understand." Brady said happily. "Well, at least now she knows." Embry laughed.

Collin stood there frozen, he couldn't believe you took it so well! I guess when it's meant to be, it's just meant to be.

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