Seth: stressed

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Seth walked into his bedroom, where he knew you'd be waiting for him. He'd gone for a run so you knew there was something wrong with him.

"How was it?" You asked flipping through a magazine. "How was what?" He asked throwing his sweaty shirt off. "Your run?" You said looking up from the magazine. "Oh, fine." Was all he said.

"Wanna tell me what's wrong?" You said putting the magazine down completely. He went to open his mouth but quickly shut it. He just shook his head so you sat up and tapped the space in between your legs.

Seth happily accepted your offer and laid with his head on your lap.

You placed your hand through his hair, messing it up but soothing him at the same time.

The more you played with Seth's hair, the more he opened up to you. Soon the words "my dad" left his lips, alerting you that he was thinking about his father.

You didn't say anything, just listened and continued to play with his hair as he opened up to you, using you as his shrink.


I felt like I didn't want to give him a big speech about his dad so I ended it with him just talking!

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