Embry: movie cliche

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"Please? I'm begging you!" Embry said holding your hand and preventing you from eating your lunch. "No." You said trying to take a bite of your pizza. "Why did you even tell her that in the first place?" You said spitting food at him in the process of asking him the question.

"Because-" you see Embry's grandmother was a very sick woman who spend most of her time on the mountains of forks as she believed it would heal her. Even though she was ill, she was one of the tribes elders who was extremely old fashioned.

When Embry had spoken to his grand mother over the phone she had asked if he had a woman, of course he did not want to disappoint his old grandmother so he told a lie and said he was madly in love with a girl, problem was Embry didn't know many girls so when she asked for the girls name he simply said "Y/N."

"Please!!" He continued to beg. "It's wrong to lie." He scoffed, "it's wrong to lie if you get caught! Please Y/N, she would be so disappointed in me if she found out I was a lonely loser with no girl to call my own." You signed, Embry knew how to make you pity him.

"Fine." You said annoyed, but for one day?" He nodded. "Thank you so much!" The bell rang before you got to finish your food so you both rushed to class.

The day had come for you to put on a show and pretend to be Embry's lover and you were getting ready. You made your way over to Embry's house and knocked on the front door. "You're late, she's been her for 7 minutes!"

He said making you role your eyes. Embry practically pulled you into his house before intertwining his fingers with yours. "Ready?" You nodded as you walked into the kitchen where Embry's mother and grandmother were stood.

"Grandma this is Y/N, my girlfriend!" You couldn't help but think about how easy it was for him to say that. "Let me get a good look at you then child." The elderly woman got up and stood in front of you.

There was silence for a few minutes but then a smile stretched across her wrinkles. "Very nice Embry, I knew you'd find a pretty girl!" She said happily. "Now come help me set the dinner table!" She said making Embry role his eyes.

You walked over to Embry's mother, you knew her very well since you and Embry were such good friends. "Hey Y/N!" She said cheerfully. "Hey Mrs Call." Embry's mother smiled as she continued to cook dinner.

"I gotta say I'm a little surprised it's taken this long!" She said. "What?" You said throwing some food in your mouth. "The two of you guys." You chuckled. "Yeah, he's always kinda mentioned his grandma hating him being single so I thought I'd-" you were cut off.

"He was so happy when he told me you guys were dating!" Oh did she think you were r ally a couple? "He always talks about you!" She said walking into the dining room with the food.

You ate dinner and acted like you didn't hear anything from his mother but it was hard considering you'd just been told your best friend actually liked you.
The end of the evening came so you said your goodbyes and Embry walked you home.

"Why are you being so quiet?" Embry asked. "I-I'm not." You said refusing to look at him. "You haven't said anything all night. Were you that embarrassed?" You just shook your head.

Embry had had enough of your silence so he cornered you against a wall. "What's up?" He asked. "Why- why did you tell your mom that we were dating?" Embry paused. "I gu so it was nice to just say that you were my girlfriend." He said honestly.

"Do you like- me?" You practically whispered. "What if I do?" You looked at him shocked. "What if I wanna make you my girlfriend? What would you say?" You took a deep breath, what were you supposed to say to that?

"Yes-" wait what? "Then be my girlfriend?" Embry said, his face inches away from yours. "Yes!" Embry smashed his lips against yours, shocking the two of you but God did it feel right!

So you'd fallen for your boy best friend? What a cliche!



I love that song! So how was this?

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