Brady: ignored

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"Hey Brady!" You called down the empty corridor but his figure only went further and further from you. "Brady?" You yelled before trying to run after him. "Brady!" You screamed as you ran on the spot. And that's when you woke up.

You see, your closest friend, Brady Fuller, stopped coming to school one day. You didn't see or hear from him for a total of 3 months and when you went to his house his father told you he was "too ill to come to the door" and that it was "best if you didn't see him."

When he finally did come to school he looked completely different! His hair was cut shorter, he had grown taller than you, which surprised you because you were taller than him before. His body beefed up and his attitude completely changed.

Now Brady was fully aware that you were worried about him and that you had been trying to stay in contact but he simply didn't care!

Brady fuller was always a bit of a man slag, any female attention, beside yours, went straight to his head and you hated it!

Because of his new hot body he got a lot and I mean a lot of attention.

You'd call his name when you saw him at school and he'd pretend to not hear you, blatantly ignoring you to the point you wanted to scream!

Today went like every other day, you went to school, counted the minutes until the end of day and went to get lunch.

You couldn't help but notice Brady at a table by himself, waiting for his friends, so you went over to him.

"Gunna talk to me now?" You asked making him turn and look at you. "Y-" he almost said it, almost said your name and he thought of your name coming off those lips sent shivers down your spine.

You never thought of Brady as anything more than a friend but at this point in time you wanted to rip his cloths off and show everyone that he was yours and you didn't know it but Brady wanted that too.

But instead of taking you in front of the whole school he just looked down at his phone and pretended you weren't there...

That was it.

Anger, hatred and disgust ran through your veins as you hurled your lunch at him, covering him in food.

"I hate you." You said before walking away from him.


Oh what a jerk!

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