Seth: lemon

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You sighed as you slumped yourself into Seth's bed. "So what happened?" He said continuing his game on his ps4. You just shook your head. "He wasn't interested." You said telling him about your date. "Don't worry, there's plenty more fish in the sea." Your best friend said making you role your eyes.

"Do you think I'm pretty?" You asked looking at the dark screen on your phone, using it as a mirror. Seth turned to look at you before turning his game off. He sat next to you on the bed and gave you a reassuring smile. "Yes you're pretty." You shrugged. "Then why can't I get a boyfriend?" You said sounding a little upset.

"Because there's nobody out there that's even remotely good enough for you." You looked at him shocked, why was he being so nice?
"Would you-" you looked down. "Would you date me?" Seth looked excited. "Like imaginary." His smile went. He just nodded.

There was a silent moment, only for a brief second before you spoke up again. "Plenty of fish in the sea, let's hope I can find a blind one." You joked as you looked at your reflection again.

"Shut up! Do I think you're pretty? No I don't!" You were stunned. "I think you're gorgeous Y/N and anyone would be lucky to have you!" For some reason you had butterflies deep in the pit of your stomach.

You stated at Seth as he stared at you and before you knew it his lips were crashed against yours, you hungrily kissed him back. In a matter of minutes Seth was on top of you and you were pulling his shirt off as if your life depended on it.

Once the item of clothing was removed you got to work trailing kisses down from his rugged chest all the way past his toned body down to his boxers. That seemed to work as Seth got noticeably large.

You wrapped your legs around Seth as he sat you on his lap, making you straddle him before he put it in. "Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked shocking you. "Now isn't the right time to be asking that Seth!" You joked so he got back to business.

Seth inserted his long shaft into you, making you tighten your grip on him. Seth skipped past the slow love making bit and went straight to thrusting as hard as he could, making sure his full length went into you. "Seth!" You cried out his name earning you neck kisses as he continued thrusting into you.

This went on for some time until Seth was at his peak. "Say it-" he said about to cum. "Say what?" You moaned out as your body was filled with pleasure.
"Say you'll be mine." He sounded so deep and masculine, not like his usual dopey self.
"Yes!" You cried out. "I'm yours!" And that was all it took before your new boyfriend claimed you as his.



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