Seth: accident

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Every one who knew you knew how clumsy you were. It was a fact that you were born with two left feet and butter fingers but Seth loved that about you, even though it meant he would constantly be catching you when you fell or cleaning up broken glass because you'd drop everything you held.

"Hey where are you guys going?" You asked Kim. "To help Emily out the garden, wanna come?" She asked making you nod. "I'll just go get my shoes!" You said turning to go upstairs.

You passed Seth on your way. "Hey!" He said happily. "I can't talk, I've gotta find my-" you went silent as you fell forward, tripping over thin air and stumbling forward onto your boyfriend who had caught you from falling.

"Thanks!" You said but there was no reply. "Babe?"
"Ow" was all Seth said. You looked down and noticed your knee had landed on his Crown Jewels.

"I'm so sorry!" You yelled as you got up but Seth was too busy trying not to throw up to take notice in you.

It is night time and I am awake!

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