Brady: you save him

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La lush beach was the perfect place to surf, the waves were great at this spot so the pack loved to surf there. You weren't really friendly with the pack and were unaware of their abilities but you were at the beach with your own friends, enjoying the sun.

Brady fuller was the same age as you but you didn't have any classes together. He was a good surfer, possibly the best in the pack. "The waves are huge today." Your friend said. You nodded. The waves were huge today in fact it seemed kind of dangerous to be surfing them but the boys were fearless.

A large wave came crashing against he beach, followed by another and another in fact they seemed to keep going. Brady went out a little too far and before he knew it a large wave came stashing down on him, pulling him under the water.

The pack acted swiftly, since Jared was the closest to him he dived down and brought him to the sand where the others surrounded them. "Seth go get Sam!" Paul yelled. Brady wasn't breathing and he was to cold.

You ran over to see what was going on with your friend. "Brady!" Jacob yelled, they were all panicking and none of them knew what to do.

"Move," you said shoving Embry out of your way so you could get to Brady. You began pumping on his chest and then giving him mouth to mouth. The pack watched intensely as you tried to save their friend.

"Come on god damn it!" You said pressing as hard as you could on his chest. You pressed your mouth his again and blew. That's when Brady took a deep breath and opened his eyes.

You moved back, giving him space to breath. He coughed up some water before gasping for air. "You did it!" Quil said happily. Sam had arrived with Seth just in time to see what you'd done to help.

"Thank you." Brady said looking up at you. "We really owe you!" Jared said thankful you'd saved his friend. "It's fine." Sam shook his head. "No, we'd like to properly say thank you, right boys?" All the boys said yes in agreement. "Would you like to join us for dinner?" you nodded , it seemed rude to say no.

As the boys walked back to Sam's place Brady thanked you properly and that's when the two of you fell in love, luckily for him he found his imprint.

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