Paul: thats my girl

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"Jeez man!" Seth said shocked as Quil downed his drink. "Pretty good huh," Quil said cockily. You see Quil was a huge super nerd but the boy was pretty talented at downing his drinks in record time when at parties, he was undefeated in the pack.

"I guess," you said sitting in Paul's lap. "Oh you think you can do better?" Quil teased. "No." Everyone turned to you. "I know I can do better," you said smiling innocently. Paul smirked beside you.

"I think we got a little competition!" Jared said causing a stir of excitement. "You up for it?" Seth asked, you answered by standing up and nodding. "Go get em," Paul said slapping your ass as Embry gave you and Quil a cup of liquor.

"Let's make his interesting, shall we?" Leah said as the pack sat to watch your match against Quil. "Let's make bets!" Jacob said throwing $10 over at Quil.

The majority of the pack put money on Quil, why wouldn't they? He was undefeated when it came to this game. Paul obviously put his money on you, his imprint.

"Ready?" Jared asked. You and Quil nodded. "Marks- get set....." Jared built up the tension. "Go!" He yelled.

You and Quil both brought the cups to your mouths and began to drink, Quil knew he had this in the bag, everyone did until they saw you slam the empty cup down on the table.

Quil had only drank half of his drink and you'd already finished, everyone was shocked.

"What the hell?" Quil yelled out. "I win." You said innocently before scooping all the money up into your arms. The pack roared from excitement. "Where the hell did you find her?" Jared asked Paul, who was perched behind you counting the money.

"Looks like you're defeated now!" Seth said excitedly as the rest of the pack teased him. "That's my girl!" Paul said kissing your neck.

Here's a fact for you: I am unbelievably good at downing a drink before anyone else!

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