Collin littlesea: imprint

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Collin Littlesea was a boy who enjoyed playing on his PlayStation, was getting okay grades in school and- well was just there. There was nothing out of the ordinary with him or nothing special about him.

When people spoke of him they would say things like "oh that quiet boy at the back of the class" or "oh Brady's friend!" They never really knew who he was since he just seemed to fade into the background.

"I'll see you later dude," Brady said as Collin grabbed his books out of his locker. "Wait, what? Where are you going?" He asked as his friend ditched him again for those roided up idiots, known as the Ulley boys.

"I got some stuff to do." Was all Brady said before speeding off. That meant "me and the guys are gunna ditch to go jump off some cliffs!" It'd happened a lot lately, Brady ditching Collin for those other guys. He couldn't really complain though, because at least he stayed friends with him after he got buff.

Thanks to Brady, Collin was going to be late for chemistry, not that he minded though, the teacher probably didn't even realise he wasn't there! Once Brady had turned every one took notice in his new appearance, but not Collin.

"Excuse me-" was all Collin heard before he looked up. Collin couldn't help but stare at the stunning piece of art work in front of him. His eyes refused to look away from her beautiful e/c orbs.

"Sorry," Collin said as he almost knocked the beautiful girl to her feet. "It's okay, you're Collin right?" You asked making him look at you once again.

"Yeah- how did you-" you smiled. "I sat behind you in English during 7th grade." Wow, did this girl really know who he was?

You must of got him confused with somebody else! "I think you've got the wrong guy," he said looking away, even though it hurt to do so.

"Mrs Jenkins class? You say next to Brady Fuller and took the blame for him when he put gum in Lucy's hair." Collin was shocked, you were correct!

"Why did you remember me?" Now you were shocked. "Why wouldn't I?" You asked frowning slightly. "It was pretty sweet that you did that for your friend, plus I always thought you were cute~" you froze, did you really just say that?

"Really?" Collin said with a smirk, "uh yeah- and you just got better-" you said staring at his obvious muscles through his tight shirt.

"Do you- wanna ditch?" He asked feeling boisterous. You nodded and before you knew it you were running through the school gates with a boy you'd just met and fallen in love with.

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