Sam: imprint 2

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Seeing Sam run away made you feel strange, it was clear he was upset and that something was wrong with him.

Your body wanted to be next to his so you ran. You ran as fast as your legs could possibly carry you, of course you were nowhere near as fast as Sam.

"Get back here!" Lewis yelled but you didn't care. Every part of your being wanted Sam at this moment in time so no matter what Lewis said or did, you wouldn't take any notice in him.

Eventually you lost sight of him but continued running, you didn't know why but you could tell where he was. Unfortunately for you, he was in the woods.

"Sam?" You said panting for breath when you found him stood frozen, shaking in the forest.

"Y/N-" he said turning to look at you. "You shouldn't of followed me." He said sternly, but even though he had a cold look on his face he seemed so welcoming to you.

"But I- I had to." You said looking down. "Back there-" he cut you off. "How could you stay with him? How could you let him treat you like that?" He growled. You just shook your head.

"We all need somebody right? And I don't have anybody else to-" your voice fell short as Sam rushed in front of you.

"Don't say that! Don't ever say that-" he put his huge hand on your cheek. Sparks flew across your skin as he touched you, making you gasp.

"You can feel it too-" he said putting his forehead against yours. "F-feel what?" You knew what he was talking about but you wanted to know that he felt the same way.

"This," he said pressing his lips to yours. You couldn't help but kiss him back, putting your hands on his shoulders and sinking deeper into the kiss.

"I need to tell you something." He said looking down. "I'm a shapeshifter." You frowned. "But they don't exci-" he cut you off. "They do Y/N," he sighed. "And yore my imprint." So that's what this was.

"But I thought the elders just made up those story's." He shook his head. "No, we're real and when we meet our soul mate we imprint on them." You smirked. "Soul mate?" You said making him smile.

"That's why this feels so good," he said pulling you closer to him. You couldn't deny that his touch felt good but how could this all be real?

"So I'm all yours?" He nodded. "If that's what you want." He said sounding hopeful. You couldn't help but nod. "If that means you're all mine." He nodded.

"Every inch of me!" He said pressing his lips to yours once again.


Surprise! Remember there imprints I wrote about a while ago? Well here is part two because so many of you asked for it!!

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