Quil: you save him

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There was only one thing that a vampire craved and that was blood...

The day started out like any other, you woke up beside Quil, had breakfast with hi, and then went to Sam's with him.

"I'm glad you came so early." Sam said to Quil. "You're coming with me." He said and that was it. Emily had later informed you that all the pack were going to train in the forest for the day since there was an increase in vampires in forks.

You decided to go back home since you were bored at Emily's but decided to go the long was since you had nothing better to do. You found yourself walking through the forest, it was a really beautiful place to be.

You heard a whimpering sound coming from up ahead and ran to find out what was wrong, it was a horrid sound that gave you goosebumps. You found your lover in front of you, he had phased but what scared you was the person holding onto his neck, slowly crushing his windpipe and spine.

Quil was fighting and trying his hardest to free himself but he just couldn't do it and none of the other pack members were anywhere to be seen. You weren't strong enough to fight the vampire but of you didn't do anything Quil would die but what could you do?

There was only one thing that a vampire craved and that was blood... human blood which ran through your veins.

Without even a second thought you dug your nails into your arms and dragged down, slicing through your own skins, you screamed out in pain, the vampire turning his attention to you but still holding on to Quil.

"Come get it-" you said letting the blood drip down your arm and on to the floor.
The sight alone sent the blood sucker crazy but the smell was enough to have him fully focused on you now.

He grew Quil to the side and ran for you. You accepted death at that point, you didn't even care if you died, as long as it meant Quil was safe but death never came, instead it was Quil ripping the leech the pieces.

As soon as the vampire was dead he turned his attention to you, he turned back to human and caught you just as your legs gave in. You'd lost a lot of blood so you passed out but Seth ran you to Emily's where you were stitched up.

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