Embry: imprint 2

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Embry: he was your best friend and ignored you so you went to his house to yell at him. "Welcome to the pack," Jared says confusing you. Sam leaves to give you both time to talk

You cried into Embry's chest as he held on to you. "Welcome to the pack." Sam said smiling at you and Embry. You stayed quiet since you were so confused.

What did Embry mean by "I'm so glad it's you" who else would it be? And what is you!

"Let's give them some time to talk." Sam said making the rest of the jealous looking pack members leave.

"I've missed you so much." Embry said inhaling your scent. You wanted to give him a sarcastic answer like "clearly not since you ignored me!" But you couldn't. The only words that came out were "I missed you too." Which came as a relief to him.

"Why did you stop answering my calls?" You said sounding hurt which in return hurt Embry as well. "I can explain everything but you're going to think I'm crazy." He said.

"I'm- I'm part of a pack." He said confusing you. "Like a gang?" He shook his head. "No, don't worry I won't pop a cap in your ass." He said making you laugh. You pushed away from his chest to get his answer.

"The story of our ancestors, do you remember them?" You nodded. "Uh the cold ones came and- I don't know they turned out people into wolves?" He smirked. "Kind of, their presence turned out people so we could protect ourselves."

"What does any of this have to do-" he cut you off. "They imprinted right?" You sighed. "I don't remember any of this." You hardly payed attention in history class or when your parents spoke of the legends.

"An imprint is a soulmate." You nodded. "You're my soul mate Y/N." You frowned. "Your imprint? So you're a wolf?" He nodded making your eyes open wider in disbelief.

"Please don't be-" "can you show me?" You asked looking over his body waiting for him to turn. Embry couldn't help but laugh.

"Your the strangest girl I've ever met, you know that." He said making you smile. "I'll show you later, when Sam's around just incase." He said making you frown. "I trust you," you said making him wrap his arms around you.


sorry I'm listening to that song.

Did you know that i write these in the bath so you are reading fanfic I Write naked...

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