Jared: thats my girl

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You were stood beside Jared, your imprint, while walking into Jacobs back yard. He was a part of the pack now so you were all going to get him so you could enjoy the day together at Emily's.

You spotted Bella storming towards Sam, yelling "what did you do?" She demanded to know. "What did you do?" She said again before pushing Sam. "Hey-" Jared tensed up. "Watch-" Paul was cut off by his Alpha. "Easy!" Sam said putting his hand up to calm his wolves.

"He didn't want this!" She yelled. "What did we do?" Paul was now in the mix of the madness, "what did he do? what did he tell you?" Paul was shaking slightly. "Both of you calm down!" Sam demanded but they weren't listening to him.

"Nothing! He tells me nothing because he's scared of you!" Bella said not backing down. Paul laughed loudly while Jared chuckled slightly, pissing Bella off. Before you knew it her hand came up and slapped against Paul's face, that was a mistake.

"Too late now!" Said your boyfriend, earning him a nudge from you. "Bella get back!" Sam said. "Paul, calm down now." The alpha demanded but it was too late. Paul was shaking and about to turn so you shoved Jared out of the way.

"What part of get back don't you understand?" You said annoyed as you shoved Bella back. Paul was still phasing so you had time to remove the idiot girl before she got hurt.

"What's going on-" you shoved her again. "I said move it!" You snapped. Jared smirked at how Bella was so intimidated by you yet she wasn't even the slightest bit scared to face off against the pack.

Paul phased before you were able to kick Bella to the curb but thankfully Jacob came to her rescue, fighting with Paul. "Now you've done it!" You yelled. "Take her to Emily's!" Sam yelled but you just nodded. "Get up!" You said but Bella just sat there shocked. "Move it!" You said grabbing her by the scruff and dragging her to her truck where you drove her to Emily's house.

After a while you had filled her in on the whole werewolf thing before the boys got back. Paul apologised to Bella and then thanked you for helping get her away from him before he hurt her.

"Actually y/n if you hadn't been there I think things would of gone a lot differently." Sam said making you smile. "Happy to help." You said waving the subject to be changed. "That's my girl, she got bigger balls than you guys!" Jared said pulling you into his chest. "Bigger balls than you too." Emily said making everyone laugh.

FYI I studied the scene where Bella hit Paul religiously when I wrote this so it is 100% accurate

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