Seth: thats my girl

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Being an imprint is wonderful, you get to meet the love of your life, know that they love you back, male new friends and live in a magical word of the supernatural, one downside of this was the pack.

The boys in the back were a bunch of rowdy young men but with more energy and a lot stronger than the average boy.

You were perched on seths lap, lovingly cradled by his huge arms that sat on your waist. Jared walked into the room, he was your older brother and loved to tease you when your boyfriend was around.

Jared smirked before he began to tease you, making jokes about you which sometimes got a little mean. "I'm glad you got an imprint," he said confusing you for a second. "Yeah, lucky that somebody is forced to love you because let's be honest you were never going to naturally find a guy looking like that!" He said before chuckling at his own joke.

It really bothered Seth when Jared made fun of you but that was it. Seth was going to snap back at your older brother and put him in his place but he didn't need to, you suddenly got up and punched Jared in the arm as hard as you could.

"You're such a jack ass! I'm starting to feel bad for Kim!" You said as your brother rubbed his now sore arm. "Go away, you're interrupting!" You said as you shoved your brother out of the room.

"That's my girl," Seth said giving you a toothy grin before pressing a kiss to your head.

Later that day when Seth left you found a plate of cookies sat on your bed with a note saying "sorry" must of been from Jared.

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