Brady Fuller: asking you out

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You sighed as your teacher went on and on about why you should do your homework and how it will benefit you as a student.

You see, you'd forgotten to do your homework for the tenth time in a row and Mr Jenkins thought detention was a fitting punishment.

It was so boring being cooped up in the little room, listening to the short man ramble on and on. You didn't mind though because you were in here with your crush, Brady Fuller.

From the moment you'd met, you had a thing for Brady! He was different, strange even and it was as if he had a secret he couldn't tell anyone! But you liked him!

"Now class-" the teacher looked at the only two students sitting in class, which happened to be you and Brady. "I'll be leaving you here to write lines while I see to some business." He walked over to the door. "No talking!" He spat out as he left.

"So what are you in for?" Brady asked making you turn to look at him. "Homework, you?" He smirked. "Ditching class." You smirked at him. "Wow you're such a badass!" You joked.

Brady shuffled his seat forward slightly. "I'm so hungry!" He said as his belly rumbled. "I can see that!" You said making him chuckle.

"Do you wanna go and grab a bite to eat after this?" He asked looking hopeful.

Now to the average person this was just your average question between two pals but to you it was almost a proposal!

Your heart beat sped up and your mind went black as you thought of what he meant by "a bite to eat,"

"Earth to Y/N?" He said making you snap out of it. When you finally came round you noticed that Brady had gotten up and was now say on the table behind you.

"Sorry-" you said blinking to wake yourself up. "So do you?" He didn't seem as confident as before but he did still have that hopeful gleam in his eyes.

"Uh- yeah-" you said trying not to jump on his lap like a little dog. "That sounds good." He smiled at you. "Good, I was thinking maybe we could-" he was cut off by a very annoyed looking teacher.

"What did I say Mr Fuller?" Your teacher yelled. "Sorry!" Brady said running back to his seat, which of course made you giggle.


I enjoyed writing this one!

Since we don't actually know a lot about Brady or Collin I can kind of make up their personalities and that's a lot of fun!

I hope you enjoyed this one, thanks for reading!

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