|| Quil Ateara: danger||

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You were all at La push beach. All of you being Quil, Jacob, Embry, Paul, Jared, you and eventually Sam and Emily would be joining you.

Paul lit the fire with some assistance from Jared and you all started to enjoy yourselves. Most of the guys were doing the usual, which was play fighting and trying to throw each other into the freezing cold water.

You decided to sit down by the fire and so did Jake. "How come your not fighting with them?" You asked Jake who looked slightly upset. "Got something on my mind." He simply said.

You moved closer to him, understanding that that meant "I need to talk to somebody!" "Wanna talk about it?" You questioned. He smiled. "Bella," was all he had to say for you to understand.

You started giving him some pretty useful advice and he thanked you for it. "So why aren't you with them?" He asked changing the subject. "Why am I not with the big group of boys twice my size who are fighting? Gee I wonder why!" You said making him laugh.

The two of you broke into fits of laughter which made the other boys look up. "They're having fun," Embry said as he dunked Jared. "It's nice to see her not being shy for a change." Paul said to Quil.

When Jacob put his hand in your hair and started to ruffle it Quil growled. Suddenly he came over to the two of you. "Having fun?" He asked with cold eyes. "Yeah," Jacob said smiling at you.

"You got yourself a good girlfriend here Quil, shame I couldn't get to her first!" Jacob joked as he messed up your hair again. "Quit it!" You yelled trying to push him.

"Yeah I think you should quit it." Quil said sounding annoyed. "I was just kidding," Jacob said. "Well stop, stop flirting with my girlfriend and go and get your own!" Quil yelled. Jacob stood up and went to walk away but Quil had other things he wanted to do.

"Your a joke," Jacob said walking away. Suddenly Quil started to shake before he grabbed Jakes shoulder and yanked him back. Suddenly the two of them started fighting so you called for the others who quickly ran over to help.

Embry and Paul pinned Quil down, who was shaking with fury, while Jared told Jacob to leave. You didn't understand why the two of them started to fight but you had a feeling it was because Quil was jealous of Jake touching you.

When Jacob was finally out of sight the boys let Quil go. "Is he gunna be okay?" You asked looking in the direction Jacob had run off to. Quil frowned. "I hope not." He growled before walking away.


This was different to most of the other chapters I did on this topic, is different good in this case?😅

Thanks for reading!

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