Collin: you save him

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Growing up you and Collin were inseparable, you were best friends and you'd do anything for each other no matter what would happen at the end of it.

Collin wasn't afraid of anything, or at least that what he said but you knew there was one thing he was terrified of and that was his father. Collins dad was a wonderful man, he worked hard and loved his family but after he'd had a drink he became violent and would hit out at his son.

You were only 6 years old at the time, Collin was 6 too but was "7 in 4 months so that makes him a 7 year old." You laughed at Collins need to be considered bigger than you, it didn't bother you, in fact you found it hilarious.

You were playing at Collins house when you heard the front door slam. Collin looked at the clock as all colour drained from his face and he turned to you. "Hide." Was all he said before running into his cupboard.

You were confused but did as you were told and you hid under the bed.

You heard large footsteps coming up the stairs before Collins father stumbled into the room, smelling of cheep liquor and anger.

"Where are you?" He spoke, for some reason it made you quiver in fear. "Come on out you little shit!" Collins father turned to the cupboard. "You stupid boy, in the same place as last time."

Collins father inched closer to the cupboard doors and the thought of what he would do to your best friend made you feel sick.

You crawled from under the bed just as he opened the cupboard doors. "Found you." He said making Collin cry.

"Get away from him!" You screamed as you started pounding you fists against his fathers legs. "What the-" his dad turned to look at you. "I won't let you hurt him!" You yelled as loud as you could.

"Go get your mom!" You yelled, Collin did as you said and bolted out of the room.

His father was pissed now and turned his attention to you.

He backhanded you, stunning you as it sent you across the room.

"You shouldn't of gotten involved." He said taking his belt off.

You sniffles up the tears and stood to your feet.

"I'm not scared of you, you're a bully!" You yelled. The sound of the belt cracking against your cheek sent you to the floor.

"Stop!" Collins mother screamed pushing his father to the floor. "I'm calling the police she said and that's when he bolted it out of the house.

Collin ran to your side. "Are you okay?" He asked looking at your swollen cheek. You nodded. "Thank you." Collin said trying not to cry but he couldn't stop the tears as they ran down his face.

You wiped his tears. "I'll always look after you!" You said making him hug you lovingly.


This was a little dark... sorry

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