Meeting Embry Call

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"Wait up!" Shouted Markus strolling behind me. "I wasn't looking at her I swear!" He said making me frown again. I just shook my head and continued walking. "Hey!" He shouted grabbing hold of my wrist. I hated it when he touched me, even if he was trying to be kind, I knew that those hands had cheated on me more times than I could count. "I'm sorry!" He said acting like those two words would make it all better. I sighed and shook my head. "It's over Markus." I said storming away. This usually happened so he didn't bother chasing after me because every time I'd eventually crawl back to him with my tail between my legs because I believed that he 'loved' me but this time, this time was different.

When I had finally gotten back home, which was on the reserve, I quickly walked in to find my mother sat with Emily Uley. She smiled at me while my mother sent me death glares. "Oh Y/N your finally home!" She said giving me a fake smile. I nodded and quickly went to scurry upstairs so she didn't see my tear filled eyes.

"Not so fast young lady!" She said making me sigh. "Emily came out here just to see you!" She said and I quickly turned around shocked. "Y/N were you crying?" Asked Emily giving me a sympathetic look. I shook my head and sat down. "Well anyway I was just wondering if you'd like to come around mine and just help me do a couple jobs!" She said smiling. I was confused. "For money of course!" She added and I finally understood. "Of course she would!" My mom chimed in. "She wants to buy a new truck!" She added and I just rolled my eyes. Before I knew it Emily and my mom were agreeing on times and dates that i'd go up to help her. I just walked upstairs and left them to it.

I woke the next day to find myself home alone. I went into the living room and found a note laying on top of the tv remote, I guess my mom put it where is find it. It read "darling I'll be home late tonight because after work me and a few of the girls are going out for some drinks. There's money on the counter for you if you need anything. Emily and I decided you'd be there for eleven so have fun and try to smile!" "Eleven?" I said looking up at the clock. "Shit!" I shouted rushing upstairs to get dressed, it was already quarter to eleven and it took about twenty minutes to walk to Emily's house.

I quickly threw in a pair of shorts, a random top I had laying around and a pair of sandals. My hair wasn't even brushed as I burst out of the front door and made my way there.

"Y/N!" Said Emily sitting on her front porch. I smiled. "I'm sorry I'm late, my mother didn't bother telling me about the time!" I said panting. "Oh it's fine, your only a little bit late!" She said going inside. That was a lie, I was twenty minutes late because I got lost on my way.

"Come in and make yourself at home!" She said smiling. I walked in to find a large group of boys, around my age sat. I instantly started to feel self conscious being around them. "Oh boys this is Y/N!" Said Emily pulling out some food. "Sup." one of them said. "Y/N this is Sam." She said as he kissed her cheek, I knew she was in a relationship but I'd never met the guy. "This is Jared, Paul, Jacob and Quil." She said pointing to the four on the sofa. "Oh and this is Seth and his sister Leah!" I smiled at them. "Wait where's Embry?" She asked looking around. There was another? I thought.

Suddenly I heard a soft yet boyish voice say "Excuse me." When I turned around I saw the most stunning brown orbs ever. "Oh and that's embry!" Said Emily. "H-hi." I said making him smile.

I hope you guys enjoyed it! So if you liked it then just comment saying if you'd like me to go into more detail with this particular story! If you do comment telling me that you want me to make this a short book story thingy then I'll put it up soon!

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