Embry: stress

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You giggled as the movie it and Embry were watching amused you, Embry just kept the same worried look on his face.

You see when you and Embry were out earlier on in the day two women commented on Embry's appearance stating that he was a "thug", they even clutched onto their purses!

"Smile," you said showing him how by smooshing his face up into a smile. You chuckles but he just smiled gently at you.

"Embry is this about what those wo-" he cut you off. "No!" He snapped showing how much that comment affected him.

"Just ignore them!" You said not understanding why it bothered him so much! "It's not that easy," he said turning away from you slightly. "Oh no you don't!" You thought to yourself.

You pounced onto your boyfriend, tickling under his armpits.

"S-stop-" Embry cried out in laughter. Next you punched him, making him squeal like a girl. "Hey quit it that hurts!" He cried out.

"No," you said smiling at him before nipping at his lip. That's when you pushed you down, kissing your neck and tickling your belly.

The two of you began play fighting and didn't stop until he gave up when you twisted his nipple. But the best part is, he forgot about those old hags!


YOU GOT MY SECOND HAND HEART!~ I sing as I write this one!😂

I feel like the boys are bound to have people talk about them and say mean things so here!

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