Brady: accident

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Your boyfriend was a very sporty boy before he phased so after he gained his wolf like abilities he only enjoyed sports more. He constantly bugged you to go and play some form of physical activity with him and today you finally agreed to do so.

"Okay just try and hit the ball!" He said teasing you. The two of you had decided to play baseball, you'd never played it before but thought it could be fun to do so.

Brady threw the ball to you and you missed. "Strike one!" He yelled while laughing. "Don't be so cocky!" You joked.

He threw the ball once again and the same as last time, you missed. "Strike two! One more strike and your out!" He yelled before chuckling. "God this is easy!" Now Brady wasn't trying to be a jerk or trying to upset you, he was just teasing but it annoyed you so you tightened your grip on the bat and said "just throw the damn thing!"

Brady threw he ball, waiting for you to miss but this time you hit it, sending it flying into his crotch. "Oomph!" He dropped to his knees so you took the opportunity and ran to every base. "Looks like I win" you said teasingly.


Another one done

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