Quil: accident 2

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Let's just get one thing straight, you are beyond clumsy. Like on a scale to 1-10 you're probably at 11 because you're so clumsy and Quil knew that, he loved at about you and he was always there ready to catch you but sometimes it didn't go very smoothly.

You and the pack were all going ice skating since it was winter, it was so comical to watch everyone on the ice. Sam was skating around with Emily, Jared was trying to show off to Kim and failing, Paul was holding on to the edge like a baby while Rachel was enjoying herself, Jacob and Embry were holding onto each other and trying to stay stood up, Seth was chatting up some girls his age and Leah was skating away from a guy trying to get her number.

You were adamant that you didn't need to hold Quils hand so he stayed close to catch you if you fell.

"Hey look I'm pretty good!" You said going pretty fast. "Slow down!" Quil said knowing pretty soon you'd lose your balance and he was right.

You slipped, you flailed your arms around trying to stay on your feet but you were not successful and went flying. Luckily for you Quil was right behind you and caught you before you hit the ice.

"I said to slow down!" He chuckled. You just went bright red because his hand was firmly squeezing your butt while his other was holding your arm, that's how he caught you.

"Hey keep it PG Quil." Sam teased going past.


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