||Embry Call: danger||

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You sat outside of your porch, the night time summer air gently warming your skin as you waited for your boyfriend to come pick you up. While waiting you threw in a pair of headphones and listened to your favourite songs.

"Well well well!" Said a voice you instantly knew. When you looked up from your phone you saw no other than  your ex. "What are you doing out here?" He asked, curious as to why you'd sit outside rather than in your home. You shrugged.

"No need to be so- blunt." He said sitting next to you. "Anyway." He said. "What songs are you listening to?" You showed him the song and he smiled. "Still listening to the same old crap you used to when we dated?" He said playing. You nudged him. "Better than the crap you listen too!" He chuckle and so did you.

"Let me show you an amazing song!" He said taking your phone and typing in the song. It slowly began playing and you couldn't help but smile. That was your song- well when you dated it was your song. "Remember?" He said and you looked down, just nodding.

"What he hell's going on here?" Said your boyfriend who had been watching your little moment. You looked up and saw Embry's eyes filled with rage. "Emb-" you said getting up. "We were having fun till you showed up." Said your ex from beside you. You frowned.

"Nothing was happening!" You said going to Embry's side. "Not yet-" said your ex. Embry tensed up and took a step forward. "He's not worth it, let's go!" You said hoping Embry wouldn't do anything.

"This was fun!" Said your ex. "Maybe our next meeting can be at your room?" He said and that's when Embry lost it. He lunged forward and smacked your ex straight in the face. He didn't stop there though, in fact after two more punches you heard a loud snap and that's when all the blood spilled out.

Embry had broken that Jack-asses nose. Deciding that was enough you grabbed hold of Embry. This wasn't such an idea when he swung round, ready to attach you! He growled and you stumbled back in fear. Before you could even say anything Embry bolted into the forest near your house, leaving his trunk in your drive way and your beaten ex at your front door.

'This wasn't like Embry!' You thought. 'He'd never been one to hit a guy for flirting with you!'

So how was it? Embry was totally bad ass right?

I felt like he was never/ is never portrayed as the jealous, over protective boyfriend so yeah.. This happened!

Hope you enjoyed! Thanks for reading!

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