He gets your phone

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Sam: this lovable idiot found your phone when you were making dinner for the pack and tried guessing your password. He isn't very good at cracking passwords so ended up locking your phone for 17 hours!

Jared: you accidentally left your phone at his house over night so he decided to spam it with random photos and selfie, over 300 of them! Oh well, at least now you had selfies to blackmail him with!

Paul: when you were busy cleaning your room Paul snatched your phone away and decided he'd delete your favourite game because your high score was higher than his! What a kid!

Jacob: Jacob decided he'd change your password when you weren't looking and refused to tell you what it was, making you guess it by yourself. The password was "Jacob is too sexy"!

Embry: this idiot took your phone when you were in the shower and prank called everyone on your contact list, pay back would be sweet!

Quil: he wrote a status on your Facebook saying "I just had the biggest poo of my entire life! God that's not going to flush!" You could have killed him when you realised it had over 100 likes!

Seth: thankfully your boyfriend only changed your lock screen to a photo of him, when you asked why he said "I want you to have something nice to look at when you turn on your phone!" You couldn't help but laugh!

Brady: this little shit changed every single one of your contact names to other ones. It took hours to figure out who was who, he even changed his own to "captain sexy!"

Collin: Collin was not amused because you were ignoring him whole playing on your phone so he decided to hide it for 2 hours!!


Only something short but I hope you enjoy!

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