Paul: accident

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You were in the kitchen cooking with Emily when you heard Paul yell at Jacob. The two of them were forever arguing like real brothers but sometimes it would turn physical and they'd end up soar from the fight. You looked out the window and Paul panting heavily and shaking uncontrollably so you spring into action.

Emily tried to grab you but she was too late, you were already out in the yard.
Sam was yelling for your imprint to calm down but it wasn't working so you decided to take ,steers into your own hands.

You pushed last Seth and Quil who were too busy to even notice you slipping by. "Y/N get back!" Sam called but he wasn't your alpha so you ignored him and went straight to Paul.

"Paul." You said calmly, he turned to look at you and that's when you did it. You swung your knee up hitting him very hard in the no no area, causing him drop to his knees. The boys all flinched in pain but it seemed to work because Paul was so focuses on the pain to turn and fight.

"Come on, let's get you am ice pack." You said helping him walk to the house. "She's crazy!" Seth yelled, holding his crotch. "She scares me." Embry said.


So this one wasn't really an accident but yeah!

How was it?

I have to be up in 5 hours and I haven't slept yet😂

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