Quil Ateara: imprint

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"Emma-" you called your dog as she sped off into the direction of- well you didn't really know where she was going but you followed after her, yelling for her to stop and sit!

Suddenly you heard a loud yell, almost like a scream and that's when you saw Emma sat proudly on a poor boys chest.

"Emma L/N get down now!" You scolded your dog, making her listen. "I'm so sorry!" You said putting her lead back on her. "She's never normally like this!" You said finally looking at the boy she had just knocked down.

"It's fine re-" he paused when he looked at you. The corners of his lips turning up proudly as he stared at you. You couldn't help but smile as he admired you.

It felt like gravity itself had stopped working and now the only thing holding you down to earth was this boy in front of you and you barely knew him!

You knew his name was Quil since you went to the same school and you also knew that he was part of Sam Uley's pack which meant he was probably trouble but that didn't seem to bother you, not at all.

"You're Y/N right?" He asked making you smile again and nod. "Yeah and you're Quil?" He nodded. "Do you want to go for a walk?" He asked. "I already am-" you said pointing at your dog who just wagged her tail.

"Oh, right." Quil said scratching the back of his neck. "But if you'd like to join us you can." You said making him smile. "I'd love that!" He said walking beside you.

"But don't get the wrong idea!" You said smiling. "I'm only inviting you because Emma likes you!" You said jokingly. "Oh really? Then I guess I'd better ask Emma if she'd like to go on a date with me?" He said making you giggle.

The two of you continued chatting and you felt like you'd known him forever! Like you wanted to know him forever.

Who knew having such a disobedient dog would come in handy some days!


So I made Quils shorter than the others and fasted but that's just because he was a flirt and pretty funny so I thought I'd make him just that!

Thanks for reading guys!

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now