Embry Call: imprint

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He was your best friend. The guy you could go to to complain, to cry and every time you knew he'd make you smile!

But now- now he was a stranger who refused to see you. He was a distant memory, a fairy tale, a dream you wished you'd never woken up from.

You parked your truck outside of Embry Call's house and went over to his door. "Oh hello Y/N- uh he's not here." His mother said again.

You frowned as you heard him laugh. You knew it was his laugh because it was the one thing you loved to hear most in the world! It was usually heard because of you!

His mother closed her eyes as if she'd given up and allowed you to go to his back yard.

"You know for someone who's deadly sick you sure look fine to me." Embry froze at the sound of your voice.

He was currently with a group of boys, Sam Uley's boys! "Look at me." You said crossing your arms. "Look at me Embry call!" You yelled as your eyes stung with tears.

He is your best friend- was your best friend and he had been avoiding you, ignoring you and it hurt!

When Embry finally turned around he saw you wiping the tears from your eyes. When you finally looked up at him he froze.

You planned on being strong, showing him you didn't need him, you planned on being a bitch but seeing him made your heart hurt.

"I missed you-" you said barely above a whisper. Embry was silent for only a moment until you said those three words. "I missed you-"

Embry instantly rapped his huge arms around you, even though at first you tried to push him away.

He pushed your head into his chest and held you. Even though you didn't want to admit it you needed this.

He kissed the top of your head as he let out a relieved sigh. "I'm so glad it's you," he said confusing you. What's you? You didn't care.

"Did he-" you heard one of the many boys say. "So she's his?" Another piped up. "That means-?" You saw Sam nod only adding to your confusion but that didn't matter right now.

All that mattered was that you got your best friend back, you got back the boy who meant more to you than anyone else! You got back your first love and now you had been given more love than you began with!

This one is my favourite by far!!

I love Embry so much!

It is currently 4:26am and I have to wake up at 6am to get ready for school!😐 I have not slept yet...

Also you never actually find out that you're his imprint in these chapters but I'll make a separate chapter for it if you'd like!

Thanks for reading guys!

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now