|| Jacob Black: danger||

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"Just answer me!" He snapped at you.
"Why!" You yelled grabbing your purse. Once again you were arguing with you boyfriend over something stupid.

"He's just a co-worker Jake! It makes sense to get a lift with him!"you said going to the door.

"I don't like the way he looks at you!" Said Jake stepping in front of the door. "That's to bad because I don't have a car and you don't have one either!" You said pushing him out of your way, or at least trying to.

"Don't you dare get in that car with him!" Said Jake looking annoyed. "And what's going to stop me?" You said crossing your arms. "I will!" Said Jake in a threatening call.

You took out your phone and texted Jakes oldest friend, Embry, saying that: jakes being crazy can I get a lift?"

"Who was that?" Asked Jake snatching your phone. "Jake stop!" You yelled. "Your mine! Why are you texting other guys for?" He yelled and that's when you stormed passed him.

You made it out of your front door but Jacob was on your tail. "Get back inside!" He yelled but you ignored him. You quickly opened the co-workers car door and hopped inside, only making Jake madder.

Suddenly Jake started thrashing around from his violent shaking. You opened the car door but stopped when you heard the familiar voice of Sam Ully.

"Stay in the car!" He shouted and you listened. Suddenly Jacob started thumping the car window, yelling at the guy beside you. "I'll kill you!" He said and that was enough for you to shout.

"Drive!" You yelled and the car pulled off. You turned back to see your boyfriend being pinned down by the Ully crew and you tried not to cry.

So this sucked!
Sorry for taking so long to do Jacobs! Also sorry for not posting in a while and sorry that it wasn't very good!

I rushed it so I could upload for you and I'll probably re-write it!

Thanks for reading!❤️

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