Seth: ignored pt2

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Leah shook violently. "Calm down." Sam commanded but she kept her glare on you. "I'd get out of here if I was you." Jared said tensing up.

"No." Seth was shocked, he forgot about your feisty side, he missed it. "I'm not leaving until you tell me why." He you said staring at Seth.

He stepped forward but froze as Leah went to swing for you. "Leah stop!" Seth said pushing his sister away from you.

"She's mine." He said to his sister, snapping her out of the rage filled moment, she looked at her little brother and smiled.

She sighed. "Then you owe her an explanation." Was all she said before turning away. Paul tapped Seth's back. "Congrats bro." He said before they all walked away.

Seth offered you a smile but you remained frowning. "Why Seth? Why weren't we good enough? Why wasn't I good enough?" You said holding back the tears.

"You're more than good enough!" He said pulling you into his large chest. God it felt good!

"Then why weren't you answering your phone?" He looked down. "After my dad-" he sighed. "Died, I turned." You were momentarily confused.

"Turned?" He smiled. "I'm a shapeshifter." You couldn't reply, you didn't know how to. "Like a werewolf?" He chuckled. "Not like teen wolf." He said making you giggle.

"We're all shapeshifter's, me, the guys and even Leah. That's why she got a little crazy back there." You nodded. "But why did you ignore me?" He shrugged.

"I thought my old life was- over." You looked down. "But it's not! Y/N I love you!" You looked at him shocked, you had feelings for Seth before all of this happened but not enough to say I love you but for some reason the words slipped right past your lips.

"I love you too!" You said before he pressed his lips to yours.

God this would be hard to explain to your friends, screw em, you had Seth back and now he was more than your best friend!


What is up my readers!

Just curious because I wanna get to know all of you amazing, supporting people: what's something about yourself! It can be name, age, hobby, favourite show or literally anything!

Have a great day!

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