|| Quil Ateara: bedroom||

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You were sat with the pack and elders of the tribe at a dinner held at the Black house. You were invited to go since you were Quil's imprint.

You sat beside Quil while one of the Elders made a speech about protecting the land from the cold ones. You weren't really listening because you started to zone off.

Suddenly you felt Quil place his hand on your knee. You thought he did it to try and wake you out of your day dream so you just gave our attention back to the elders.

Quil frowned slightly as he realised you ignored him so he slowly started to move his hand higher and higher until he was on your thigh.

By now you'd clicked that he was getting frisky so you're cheeks were turning red.

Quil moved his hand so it was almost entering your dress. You gasped before putting your hand on his to stop him and that took effort, trust me, since you actually wanted him to continue.

Quil's eyes were staring at you hungrily by now and his fellow pack members had noticed this, plus they could hear his thoughts and feel his emotions.

Quil leaned over to you and whispered in your ear, "meet me in Jacobs room," he quickly stood up and exited the room.

At first you thought it was a bad idea but as you thought about Quil you found yourself exiting the room and going into Jacobs.

Quil was half way undressed when you walked in. He didn't waste a moment! He pulled you over to him and hungrily pressed his lips to yours before ripping your dress off.

You pushed him into the bed and tried your hardest not to make a sound as Quil pleasured you.

Back at the table Jarred stifled a laugh while Emmet started to choke back tears of laughter. Paul smirked and looked down at the ground, Leah silently laughed while Seth's cheeks turned pink.

Sam face palmed as he watched his younger wolves giggle, oh and Jacob, well he just cried as he thought about the terrible things you and Quil were doing on his bed!


And done!

This one focused more on the teasing before sex!

Was out any good?

I kind of rushed it because I was taking to long to write it!

Tell me if you think I should rewrite it!

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now