Quil Ateara: kisses you to shut you up

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"Hey Quil wanna go fur a walk?" You asked trying not to snicker at your wolf joke. He chuckled lowly while his friends burst into laughter.

"Hey Quil, howl you doin?" You asked earning another burst of laughter from the other pack members. You had plenty of these wolf jokes to last all night!

What you hadn't realised was how annoying Quil found them! At first he found them funny but now they're just super annoying for him to hear!

"You know, you really bring out the animal in me!" Again everyone laughed while Quil faked a smile. "Hey Ateara your girls a lot funnier than you!" Paul said in stitches. Since Quil was the jokester of the group he didn't like that comment!

"Hey Quil-" before you could finish your joke Quil quickly pressed his lips to yours. He pushed his tongue into your mouth knowing that you'd get embarrassed.

When he pulled away he chuckled as he saw your bright red cheeks and shocked expression. You hated kissing in front of people!

"Wanna play fetch?" Quil asked. "There's some balls in my pants you can play with!" Now you were 100% red! The pack cheered at their pack member making you even redder if possible!


This was so much fun to right!😂

Thanks for reading!

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