Brady: bad ass

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"Where are you guys going?" You asked as the boys made their way to the front door. "Play some football" Paul said making you smile.

"Wanna come?" Brady said hoping you'd say yes. That's how you ended up sat with Paul and Jareds imprints.

"So when do we get to play?" You asked trying to make conversation. Pauls imprint smirked. "We don't, we just watch!" You frowned. "Why?"

Jareds imprint shrugged. "They've never really asked us to play, besides we don't really want to!"

"Well I want to!" You said getting up and walking over to the boys. "What's wrong?" Brady asked stopping the game. "I want to play!" You said making the boys chuckle.

"What's so funny?" You asked making Jared speak up. "You're a girl- you can't play football!" That pissed you off.

"$50 says I can make a goal against the two of you!" You said making Paul smirk.

"No!" Brady said not wanting the boys to take your money. "Deal!" Paul and Jared said. "No deal!" Brady yelled but you all ignored him.

You lined yourself up, ready to take the pair of them on. "I want a clean game!" Quil said smirking at the boys.

"We'll go gentle!" Jared said making Brady growl. Collin and Embry put their hands on his shoulders, making him sit down.

The game was on and now you were charging towards the goal with the football.

Brady was pretty impressed the way you handled the ball. Paul charged at you, trying to steal the ball.

"She's had it!" Pauls imprint said sounding slightly disappointed that you would lose.

You faked going left and instead went right, making Paul trip over his own feet. "Oh my god!" Everyone yelled shocked.

Paul was so shocked that he didn't get back up until you were at the goal.

"Come one princess, try your hardest!" Jared teased. You frowned before kicking the ball up into the air. You jumped and kicked it as hard as you could.

"Go on Y/N!" The girls shouted. The ball flew into the net of the goal sending the crowd wild!

"She beat me?" Jared said shocked as he laid in the moody ground.

"How did you do that?" Brady asked completely shocked. "You never asked if I could play, you just assumed I couldn't!" Brady smirked before kissing your forehead.

"That was awesome!" Jareds imprint yelled. "Babe!" Jared said as the last piece of his ego shattered.

"Pay up!" You said holding your hand out for the cash you were owed. Neither of the boys wanted to admit you had won but they saw it with their own eyes so they handed it to you.

"Brady's for himself a little bad ass!" Quil said cheering not your name.

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