Brady: stressed

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Everyone assumes that being a werewolf is possibly the best thing in your life because of the obvious gain of powers and abilities but for Brady he missed the simpler things in life before he phased.

You noticed that since he had phased he had changed, not just physically. You were friends with Brady before he turned so you couldn't help but notice the difference.

You shut the door as you walked into his bedroom. "Hey," Brady said laying on his bed. He didn't even open his eyes but instantly knew it was you, you were his imprint after all.

"So, wanna talk?" You asked sitting on the edge of his bed. "About?" He said acting coy. "Why you're so stressed out lately." He looked up at you.

"It's just that- I miss being- normal" you nodded. "Don't get me wrong, it's cool being a part of the pack but I miss being a normal boy, a kid."

You understood where he was coming from, he was still a kid but he had huge responsibilities now.

You got up and walked over to Brady's Xbox, picking up his favourite video game and putting it on.

"What are you doing?" He asked confused, one minute you were having a meaningful conversation and now you were playing video games?

You just tossed one of the controllers onto his lap. "C'mon, tonight you can be a 'normal' teenage boy and verse your girlfriend at some video games, but don't cry when I beat you!" Brady smiled.

The two of you continued playing until you had to go home. Once you'd left Brady received a text from you saying:

"Being normal isn't that great, besides being an original is worth more than being a copy! Xxx"

You always knew how to make him smile!

Okay first off I think it's important to let you all know that not being normal isn't bad! I think we all have a bit of weird in us!

Also I think that it would be pretty stressful to go from your average teenager to a shape shifting werewolf that has to protect the town from the undead!

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