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Sam: is it weird that you have a pet cow? No of course it's not! You were raised on a farm after all and now Betty's a part of the family!

Jared: you have a cat called Frank who quite frankly hates Jared! He always hisses and scratches at him, maybe he smells like a dog?

Paul: you have a bulldog called Jackson! He's constantly fighting with Paul over who gets to lay on your lap! Jackson usually wins!

Jacob: who doesn't love ferrets? That's exactly why you have two ferrets called Marty and Margret! They bit Jacob once so he won't touch them!

Embry: You have a pet bear, well technically. You feed it so its basically your pet! You don't know it's gender and you've never even touched it but you called it Bean and every night it comes to your backyard for food! Embry says it's a bad idea but you don't care!

Seth: You have a Labrador called Lucy, she's got a huge crush on your boyfriend and always sits on his lap! Are you getting jealous of a dog? Damn right you are, that's your boyfriend!

Quil: you have a parrot called Lucifer, he's always calling Quil "stupid!" Or telling you to "break up with the Qual!" The two of them don't really see eye to eye!

Brady: you have a pet bunny called whiskers since she has really long whiskers! Oh turns out Brady is allergic to rabbits! Who knew?

Collin: since you're a terrible pet owner who can't even take care of yourself let alone a large pet that would need to walk, you have a goldfish called Jeremy! He's pretty chill!

Leah: you have a pet gerbil, Leah thinks it's a rat and always screams if it goes near her!

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