Paul: movie cliche

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You walked into the detention room with an annoyed look on your face which only got worse when you saw him.
You see you had detention after school today because you had forgotten to do your homework again so your maths teacher sent you to after school detention.

When you opened the door to the detention room you were greeted with a rather grumpy teacher called Mr. Smith. "Take your seat." He spoke up, his voice thick with annoyance but you couldn't blame him, he had to stay behind and watch some teenagers for an hour.

You skimmed over the room and saw countless empty seats and Paul, you couldn't stand him, he was loud, annoying and cocky. You hated him. He gave you a smirk and with that you went and sat on the opposite side of the classroom to him

About 10 minutes had passed and mr smith got a phone call. "Yes?" He spoke before standing up. "Okay I'm coming." He turned to look at you and Paul. "Don't move!" He said before practically running out of the door.

You were slightly worried at the way he had left, was something happening? Paul must of read your body language because he soon spoke up. "Don't worry, there's cake in the staff room for one of the teachers birthdays." You really didn't want to talk to him but you answered him after a slight pause. "How do you know that?" He smirked. "I have amazing hearing." And there was the cockyness.

You rolled your eyes and didn't reply.

Another 10 minutes had passed when Paul got a phone call. "Hey, no I'm in detention!" He laughed loudly which annoyed you. "Really? Okay I'll ditch and come see you!" He was probably talking to some girl.

Paul hung up and yawned. Why was he so loud?

"Can you try and be quiet?" You said making him stop. "Why?" He said arching his eyebrow at you. "Because I'd like to be able to not here you." You said matter-of-factly.
"Why? Don't you like my voice?" He said coming over to you. "Not really." You said. "Do you hate my voice?" You spoke again, "not really." Paul smirked.

"Either way I won't stay silent, I don't like silence." He said picking up his bag. "Where are you going?" You asked as he walked to the door. "I've got places to go and people to see so I'm not going to waste my time here."

Paul tried to open the door but he couldn't. He began to pull harder and it looked to you like he would soon rip the door off its hinges. "It's locked genius!" You said. "Damn i!" He said thumping the door with his fist.

"There's no point hitting things." He turned to look at you, nobody talked to him like this. All the girls were either scared of him or wanted him.

"Fine if that old man won't let me use the door them I'll just use the window." He said opening one of the classroom Windows and throwing his bag out. "You've gotta he kidding!" You said shocked. You were on the second floor of the building!

"Nope," Paul said putting one leg out the window. "Cut it out!" You yelled as you grabbed hold of him, clinging to his back as you pulled. "Hey-" Paul couldn't get his balance and the next thing you knew, the two of you were on the floor.

"What's wrong with you?" He said looking at your face, which was extremely close to his. "What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you?! You tried jumping out the window! You could of killed yourself!" Paul smirked. "So you can be nice." For some reason your cheeks went red. Was it because he said something like that or because he was on top of you?

"We've got another 40 minutes in here and I don't plan to wait it out." He said getting up. "You'll break your legs!" He just smirked. "Trust me, I won't." He said sitting on the window ledge.

"Paul do-" he jumped and you felt your heart in your throat. You screamed his name and ran to the window, only to find him stood fine outside and free. "Your turn!" He said smirking. "You're crazy!" You yelled. "Don't you wanna be free?" You wanted to get out of here so badly but there was no way you could do this.

"Just throw me your bag!" He shouted up at you. For some strange reason you did as he told you and then positioned yourself on the window ledge. Your body was shaking uncontrollably by now.

"I'll catch you, trust me!" For some crazy reason you did trust him, more than anything else in the world. You shut your eyes and shimmied forward. "God please let him catch me!" You said before pushing yourself off.

When you opened your eyes you were in Paul's arms, clinging to his shirt. "I told you I'd catch you." He said smiling at you. "You can put me down now." You said still shaking a little.

"So Y/N where to?" You looked at him confused. "I thought you had places to go, people to see?" He just shrugged. "I guess I'd rather spend some time getting to know you, you're a lot more interesting than I thought." You smirked. "Plus I like hearing you scream my name." H whispered in your ear turning you scarlet red all over.


I love this so much!!!

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