Jacob: bad ass

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Paul was on one of his little temper tantrums again and you'd had just about enough! "Calm down," Jared said rolling his eyes. Sure he was second in command in the pack but everyone knew he was no match for Paul when he's in a mood.

"Make me!" Paul growled. "Dude just give it a rest!" Quil said trying to calm his friend. Paul frowned before opening his mouth. "Shut it Quil, we all know that you're the runt of the litter!"

Paul continued to yell abuse at Quil, most of it didn't affect him but it still pissed you off!

"Stop it." Jacob said growing tired of it all. "Who's gunna make me?" Paul said squaring up to your imprint.

"Me!" You said making him turn around and face you. "It's not nice to pick on people!" You said as you swung your hand around to slap him.

It didn't hurt Paul but it definitely stunned him! "Y/N!" Jacob yelled worried Paul would turn.

"No, I've had enough of him! You're acting like a spoiled brat, say sorry!" You said sounding angry.

Whether it was the surprise of you hitting him or how your maternal instinct kicked in to protect Quil, either way you got the big scary Paul to apologise.

"She's got balls," Quil said, Jacob smirked "big ones!" Seth said chuckling.


This was really bad but Whateva!! I tried okay! 😂

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