Jacob: ignored pt2

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You quickly scanned the woman's things got the money and thanked her for shopping at the store before saying "next."

You gave Embry a faint smile, he reminded you of Jacob and that hurt. You scanned his items one at a time, and believe me there was a lot of them, no wonder the boy was so big!

"Have you spoken to Jacob lately?" Embry asked confusing you, why would he ask that? Well you didn't know it but the pack was able to hear Jacobs thoughts and you were on his mind a lot but so was Bella.

"No." You said sounding a little snappy but you couldn't help it, he just turned against you and wouldn't even look at you anymore.

"Oh-" now Embry felt awkward. "So are you going to the beach tonight?" He asked making you shrug.

"I don't know, I don't really have anyone to go with." You said awkwardly, that's when he smirked at you. "Come with us? The pack would-" he frowned. "The guys are being Bing their girlfriends, you know Kim right?" You nodded.

"She'll be there!" You shrugged. "Sure." You said smiling at him, maybe you could get Jacob to actually acknowledge you for once!

So later that day when the sun went down you headed to the beach, you couldn't quite understand why Embry would invite you but he did and you weren't going to turn down a possibly good night.

"Y/N!" Kim called, the two of you were pretty good friends and would occasionally hang out from time to time.

You gave her a smile before scanning the area quickly. "Who are you looking for?" Kim said making you shrug, "nobody." You said.

As the night went on Jacob turned up with Bella, it stung to see them together, it really hurt so you did what you could and drank your pain away.

That's when Embry took notice in you and came over. "Do you wanna go back to mine?" He asked loud enough for Jacob to hear.

"Wha-" he smirked as he noticed Jacob looking at you. "Be mine," he said taking the words out of your mouth, before pressing his lips to yours or well attempting to.

Jacob threw him away from you before his lips even had chance to touch yours.
"Jacob-" you said shocked.

"She's mine! All mine, I'll die before I let you have her!" That's all you wanted to hear before you grabbed hold of his arm making him turn to look at you.

"I'm so sorry-" he said looking at you. "I should never of chose her over you, you're my soul mate." You smiled. "Took you long enough to realise!" You said before kissing him.

The pack erupted in cheers as the two of you realised how much you needed each other.

Bella understood what had happened and left, but you of Jacob didn't notice because you couldn't take your eyes or hands off each other.


Your sex is on fire!!!

I love that song!

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