Jacob: lemon

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It was the week before your lovers birthday and you were stumped on what to get him. You thought about buying him some new clothes but he wouldn't wear them, you thought about getting him a piece he needed to fix his truck but you couldn't afford it and when you asked what he wanted he simply said "nothing."

So you made a deal with his old friend Embry. He would find out what Jacob wanted off of you and in return you would do his maths Homework, even though you were dreadful at maths.

When Embry was waiting for Jacob he called you on the sly and hid his phone in his shorts pocket. "Are you sure this will work?" He asked questioningly. "Yes, just don't let him see the phone!" You said and that's when Embry slipped the phone into his pocket.

"Hey dude." Embry said alerting you he was with the target. "Hey." Was all Jacob said in return. "So-" Embry continued to make conversation with his friend before going in for the kill and asking what he wanted for his birthday, to make sure Jacob didn't get suspicious.

"So do you know what Y/N is getting you for your birthday?" Embry slightly asked. Jacob shrugged. "Nope. I don't really want her spending money on me." He said making you smile. "So there's nothing you want off her?" Jake looked at his friend before nodding "well what does every guy want off his girlfriend for their birthday?" Jacob laughed.

"And what would that be?" Embry asked so you knew what they were on about. "So,e really kinky birthday sex!" You squeaked from the thought of it. "What was that?" Jacob asked looking Embry up and down. "Nothing! So that's what you want?" Jacob nodded and that's when Embry hung up.


The day had come, it was finally Jacobs birthday. You had gotten him some clothes since you didn't know what else to do but you did get a little something for yourself to wear.

Jacob had gone out for a couple of hours with the boys after you gave him his clothes and you "we're going to meet up with the girls." But in reality you we're getting ready for when your boyfriend got back home.

When Jake finally did come home he was shocked to see you weren't there and at all the lights were off. He searched every room for you and decided you must still be out with your friends.

Jacob went to your room, deciding if you weren't here we would just get some rest. When Jacob opened the door he was met with the sight of you laying on your bed in nothing but some very lacy underwear and a bow on your chest.

He stood frozen in the doorway. "Welcome home birthday boy, aren't you going to come and unwrap your present?" You said playing with the bow covering your chest. Jacob practically ran to the bed, throwing his shoes to the floor as he did so.

He slowly pulled and the bow covering your breasts, giving them a gentle squeeze when they were out in the open. "Wow-" he sounded like a 16 year old who had just seen boobs for the first time.

You kissed him, tugging at his shirt to let him know you wanted it off. When he removed his shirt he took the rest of his clothes off with it. "Come get your gift!" You said throwing your underwear to the floor.

Jacob was like a wild animal, he pushed you to the bed and laid sloppy wet kisses all over your chest. You could feel him playing with your lower region but you were already wet so gave your attention to his man hood which was erect by now. You teased him a bit but not too much, it was his birthday after all!

"How do you want me?" You asked innocently. "Get on your knees." he said and you did as told. That's when you felt him come up against your bum, he slapped it playfully before inverting himself into your wet cave.

Sex with Jacob was usually pretty sweet, don't get me wrong the boy made you feel good down there but this time he was rough and hard, slamming into you with his full length. You couldn't help but scream his name as he held your hips and slammed into your entrance over and over again.

Who knew the werewolf liked doggy!


And I'm done! I found this so hard to write!!
I'm sorry if it's bad!

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