||Jared Cameron: danger||

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You sighed as your boyfriend flirted with yet another girl! He didn't realise he was doing it until you pointed it out later.

The point was it pisses you off! You weren't aloud to look at another guy but he was aloud to flirt with every girl that flashed him a smile? I don't think so!

"Jared-" you said trying not to get mad. "Yeah?" He asked giving you a smile. That made your heart melt and you sighed. "Could you- stop flirting." You said playing with your hands. He chuckled and kissed your head. "Your cute when your jealous." He said making you blush.

You had only gone to talk to Emily for five minutes when you noticed Jared flirting with another girl! You sighed and frowned. "You okay?" She said looking over at Jared. You nodded but the scowl remained on your face. Suddenly an idea struck and you made your way over to one of the boys that were admiring Jacobs new truck, that he'd fixed up himself.

"Hi!" You said giving one of the strangers a flirty smile. He smiled back before answering your hi with a "hey." After about twenty minutes you two had gotten pretty cosy and you had learnt his name was Kyle. While you had been getting cosy with Kyle, Jared had been getting cosy with another girl.

The girl rubbed her hand over his arm, stopping to touch his muscles and that's when you lost it. "You okay?" Asked Kyle but you shook your head. "No. No I'm not!" You said clenching your fists. "Kiss me!" You said making him look at you confused but he didn't decline and quickly pressed his lips to yours.

It was horrible! The feeling of someone else's lips, besides Jared's, lingering on your own just made you feel sick. You quickly pulled away only to notice your boyfriend shaking and coming your way. "Ja-" you stuttered pushing away from Kyle.

"Get away from her!" Jared yelled before his entire body violently shook. "Jared!" Shouted Sam. He had run to Jared, along with the other boys Jared hung around with and was dragging him away. "Wha-" you tried talking but couldn't when you noticed the hurt look in Jared's eyes. It was a mixture of hurt, pain and anger. Emily pulled you inside, away from Kyle- well that's what you thought but in reality she had pulled you away so you were out of harms way!

So how was this one?
Please give me feed back! I need to know if what I'm writing is any good and what improvements I could make!

So I know that in twilight the wolfs will do anything to keep their imprints happy but Jared is a bit of a flirt and well it just made for an interesting chapter- at least I think it did!😂

Thanks for reading!

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