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How they cuddle you!

Sam Ulley:
Sam is the Alpha of his wolf pack so of course he's naturally very dominant. When you two cuddle he takes control by pulling you into his broad chest. You rest your head on his chest, listening to his heart beat and he rests his chin on your head because he loves reminding you how much taller he is than you! His hands lace around your back, stopping at the very bottom and your hands copy his. It's safe to say that you feel safe in his arms!

Jared Cameron:
When cuddling with Jared he likes to stand behind you, pulling you into his arms. His head rests on your shoulders and his long muscular arms draping around your waist to hold your much smaller hands. Showing everyone else that you belong to him and he belongs to you!

Paul Lahoye:
Paul likes to stand behind you, his head not resting on your shoulders though, he likes to hold himself up and have you cuddle into him. He will keep his arms wrapped around your waist, warning other boys not to even look in your direction. His head always near your ear because he likes to whisper sweet nothings to you and quite often he will whisper something sexual. He likes to trail kisses down your neck, trying to get a reaction from you.

Jacob Black:
Cuddling with Jacob is pretty simple. He doesn't have a preference like the other boys in the pack, as long as your in his arms he won't complain but he does love to rest his forehead on yours whenever he can.

Embry Call:
Embry likes to wrap his huge arms around your back, just bellow your shoulders. He will squeeze you into him and rest his face on yours which always leads to a kiss or two. Your hands will be gently placed on his chest, showing the world that you were meant for each other.

Seth Clearwaters:
Seth will drape his arms down to your bottom, his hands will gently rest there, not squeezing or anything sexual though! Just resting there while your arms are wrapped around his neck. He will look at you and kiss you a few times which you always love and will often stare at him while he's talking hoping he will kiss you.

Quil Ateara:
Cuddling with Quil is usually very dangerous because it will be so random you won't expect it! He likes to run over to you and throw you over his shoulder or carry you bridal stile to shock you. He will then put you down, or keep you there for a little bit. Once your on the ground again he won't let go because he feels complete with you in his arms.

Brady Fuller:
Cuddling with Brady was awkward at first! You didn't know what to do or where to put your hands but eventually you figured it out and it was the cutest thing ever!

Collin Littlesea:
Cuddling with Collin is simply, he's the big spoon and you're the little one! He pulls you into his chest and holds you safely!

Leah clearwaters:
Leah will put her head on your lap and cuddle into you while you play with her short black hair helping her drift off to sleep!

Sooo how was this one?

Did you like it? I loved writing it because they were all short, sweet and simple!

Who was your favourite when cuddling?

Thanks for reading!❤️

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