Meeting Paul Lahote

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"Hey can I get your order?" Asked the waitress. She had black hair and a perky smile on her face. "Um I'll just have a milkshake for now thanks." I said continuing with the essay that was due in on Monday. "Alright Hun!" She said walking away.

Suddenly a group of shirtless guys walked in, they all had short black hair, tanned skin and a tribal tattoo on their arms. They took a seat two booths ahead of me and made a lot of noise. "Can I get your orders boy?" Asked the waitress pushing out her chest. I smirked. I mean I couldn't blame her for wanting their attention, they were all gorgeous looking and all in good shape.

They spent ten minutes ordering and the poor waitress looked shocked after hearing all the food they wanted. She headed off into the kitchen and I could hear the cook laugh. "Those Uley boys keep us in business!" He said chuckling. It made sense that they were well known around here because this was tribal land, I was from the centre of Forks so it was my first time coming up here.

The group of boys made a lot of noise but they were just having fun so I didn't complain, besides they made the place seem brighter. "Could they just shut up!" I heard a girl mutter. I turned and looked at two girls sat at a table the other end of the diner. The first had short bleach blond hair that ended at her shoulders, the second had brown hair with extensions and both were caked with fake tan and makeup.

The boys took no notice of them and continued there chatting. "There so rude! Nobody wants to hear them!" Complained the first one. "Yeah stupid jerks!" Said the second. I didn't really understand why they were both so annoyed with the guys but they were. This time the boys quieted down.

I looked over at the boys who were being served there many meals by a couple of the waitresses, I was a little annoyed by the fact that there orders were done before mine but I didn't really care. Suddenly the waitress came back over and handed me my milkshake. "I'm terribly sorry, I forgot about you since we had such a big order!" She said sounding apologetic. I just smiled and took a sip. "The chef said you could have any dessert on the house!" She said trying to apologise. "It's fine really!" I said but she insisted so I went with a piece of chocolate cake, I don't really know why though considering I didn't like chocolate or cake.

For once the boys were silently eating their food, minus the chewing. I hadn't touched my cake or my milkshake yet because I was preoccupied with my essay. "There so annoying!" I heard the girls continue. "There just a bunch of stupid junkies who sit around all day doing drugs!" Said the other. I looked over at the boys and they were all upset or pissed. One of them went to stand up but was quickly pulled down. "Calm down Paul." Said the biggest. I felt pretty bad for them, they weren't doing any harm yet they were being targeted!

Suddenly I heard something that made my blood boil. "I just wish all of them would just die!" They said not even trying to whisper. "Yeah all of those stupid tourists!" Said the other. This time all six of the boys were mad and a few were shaking?

Before I knew it I was on my feet walking over to the two girls with my cake in one hand and my milkshake in the other. "Excuse me." I said and they both turned around. I quickly poured the milkshake over the blondes head. "Who gave you the right to talk like that?" I asked, she just gasped. "Ashley!" Said the brown head and I quickly gave my attention to her. "And you!" I said while smashing the cake into her face. "This is native land moron! Meaning your the tourist here!" Everyone was silent. "Maybe if you spent as much time learning manners and getting an education as you did applying all that makeup you'd be better people!" I said before storming out.

The two girls sat shocked and so did everyone else. I started walking to the bus stop when I heard somebody calling out. "Hey!" I turned around. "You forgot this." Said one of the boys handing me my essay. "Thanks!" I said smiling. "That was one hell of a show!" Said another and I just smiled again. "Thanks." They said and I just shook my head. "It's fine, those idiots needed to be shut up!" I said before turning around. When I looked back I saw that one of them was staring at me. "Anything else?" I asked and he just stared at me. "Paul." He said before walking away smirking. Paul? What a weird guy I thought smiling to myself.

I love hope you guys enjoyed it! So if you liked it then just comment saying if you'd like me to go into more detail with this particular story! If you do comment telling me that you want me to make this a short book story thingy then I'll put it up soon!

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