Jared: ignored pt2

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You had had enough of this feeling of not being wanted. You had had enough of this heartache that he had caused you and you had had enough of him ignoring you so you stormed over to his house and knocked the door hard.

You were ready to hit him when his mother opened the door. "What?" She said wondering why you knocked so hard.

"O-oh I'm sorry!" And boom there was your anger gone. "Is- is jared here?" She nodded. "Who are you?" You told her your name and she smirked.

"He's in his room, first door to your left when you go upstairs." She said keeping that smirk. "He hasn't shut up about you she said walking away. Why was he telling his mother about you?

You walked up stairs and opened his door. "What are you doing here?" He said confused. "We need to talk!" Jared bit his bottom lip like a child.

"Why do I have these feelings for you and why are you avoiding me?" He avoided looking at you.

"And- and why do I feel a pain in my chest when you look away like that!" Jared still didn't say anything.

"Oh for crying out loud Jared just tell her!" His mother said popping out of nowhere.

"Mom just go downstairs!" He said sounding like a stroppy teen. "No! I want some grandchildren and we both know she's the only girl you want children with!" You blushed!

There was a silence.  "Huh did I raise a chicken? No now be a man and tell her!" That's when Jareds dad came in.

"What the hells going on- oh! Hello there!" His dad said smiling at you. "You must be y/n! We've heard a lot about you.

"Dad!" Jared yelled. "Oh sorry son!" He said picking his wife up and leaving the room. "No I want grandchildren! Put me down!"

You couldn't help but giggle. "Well I guess I gotta tell you now!" He said sighing. "Tell me wha-" you were silenced when you felt Jared kiss you.

He pulled away. "I'll explain every thing later but just let me enjoy this." And that's exactly what you did since you enjoyed it just as much as him

oh I just realised he didn't say why he ignored you! Well basically he was just scared to settle down!

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