★Collin: he turns★

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Ever since Collin Littlesea had phased, he realised that you were his imprint, his soul mate, his one true love!

Sam had explained to him why he was so drawn to you and he was pretty relieved that you liked him back, even though you didn't know why.

The only problem was, Collin was scared of how you made him feel, how he was capable of hurting or even killing you. He couldn't live with himself if he had done something like Sam did to Emily.

So he made the horrendously hard decision to leave you- or make you leave him since he didn't have it in him to leave you.

Collin invited you over to Sam's house, where he took you a little further away for privacy.

"I've got something to tell you," he said letting go of your hand. "Go on?" You said loving every moment of being with him.

Before you knew it, Collins skin ripped off of his bones, replacing itself with fur.

A huge snarling beast stood in front of you, growling and roaring at you. Of course your natural response kicked in and you ran, tears coming down your face as you did so.

"Why did you do that?" Brady asked his heart broken best friend. "Because," Collin said.

"Now she's safe." Brady frowned. "From who? Her soul mate?" Collin nodded. "She'll thank me for it one day." He said looking at the direction you had run off in.


This is so short!!

It's kind of sad when you think about it, he's so worried he'd hurt you he'd rather hurt himself by losing you!

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