⌘Brady: Vampire⌘

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"Her names Jane," Bella said as she noticed you staring at the blond haired girl stood beside the volturi who had surprised the cullens with a visit while you and the pack were there.

Jane sent a sinister smirk your way, showing you that in her head she was killing you right now.

"And who's the boy next to her?" You couldn't help but notice the semi attractive boy staring at you. "Alec, that's Jane's brother." Was all Bella said.

Alec continued to stare at you the entire time, scaring you but also alerting Brady to stay on guard.

Alec turned to Jane, whispering something into her ear that made Brady tense up.

"What's wrong?" You asked but Brady just stayed silent, staring daggers at the brown haired vampire.

"He said he wants you." Paul said tensing up slightly. You were part of the pack now so the thought of some dirty blood sucker claiming you as his own made the boys sick.

Jane smirked at you once more before taking a small step forward, which earned her several growls from the pack.

"It's alright," Carlisle said trying to keep everyone calm. "What's your name?" Jane asked but you didn't speak.

So she turned to Alice, using her power to engulf Alice's entire body in pain.

"Y-Y/N!" Alice cried out in pain. Jane smiled. Alice gave you an apologetic look.

"Well Y/N it appears that my brother has taken a liking to you, whether he chooses to keep you or kill you I don't know, but come with us."

"Over my dead body!" Brady growled putting a protective arm over you. "That can be arranged," Alec said stepping forward.

"That is enough!" Aro said sounding interested. "Alec, you can see your little friend again, but our business here is finished... For now." And then they were gone.

The entire pack was on edge, slowly wanting to turn but Brady was livid. "I'll kill him before he gets the chance!" He growled out, you hoped he was telling the truth.

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