Jared: accident part 2

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You opened your locker door and dumped your books into your bag, it's was the last day before summer break so you emptied the continents of your locker into your book bag. "Hey good looking." You heard Jared say as he leant on the lockers beside yours.

"Hey, someone's in a good mood!" You said smiling. "Wouldn't you be happy if you got to spend summer break with an amazing girl?" You chuckled, he was so flirty.

The two of you had been slowly getting together for a while now, a lot of people already thought you were a couple but you didn't kiss or do couple stuff.

"Hey Jared!" Paul shouted from down the hallway. "You comin?" Embry said as the boys all waited for their friend. "Where you going?" You asked zipping your bag up. "Sams house for a bit," you nodded understanding what that meant.

"Have fun!" You said smiling at him. "I'll call you later?" You nodded. "Goodbye beautiful!" He said before pressing his lips to yours in a quick kiss. Jared then sped off to go catch up with his friends while you stood shocked at what had just happened.

You shut your locker door with a grin on your face. "Goodbye!" You said giggling to yourself as you walked away.

"Did I just kiss her?" Jared said out loud. "Yep!" Quil said chuckling. "And then you walked away!" Seth said teasing the bright red Jared.

How was this one?

So I'm going to try and update every day leading up to Christmas now! Is that a good idea or is it a waste of time?

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