Jacob Black: kisses you to shut you up

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"It was such a good movie!" You said for what felt like the 100th time as you left the movie theatre. Jacob nodded. "And Thor was so hot!" You said making him frown.

"But captain America is so- manly!" You said thinking about the stunning men who played the avengers.

The entire night you rambled on and on about how hot they were and how you wished you could date one of them and Jacob had had just about enough.

"What do you thin-" you were cut off as Jacob pressed his lips against yours. His hands rested on your thighs making you blush.

"Ja-" he pressed his lips to your once again. When he finished the kiss he pulled away. "Still want to date an avenger?" He asked sounding cocky.

You paused for a moment before nodding. He looked annoyed as you chuckled.

God it was fun to tease him!


Superheroes or Werewolves?

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