Embry: you save him

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You all loved to go cliff diving, it was the most popular thing to do in forks so you and the pack went to go to your favourite spots to jump.

"I don't know guys." Seth said as you all stood on the cliff. "It's not safe." Quil added. You see it had been raining really hard for he previous few days so the cliff rocks were extremely slippery and the water was going crazy.

"Let's do it some other time." Jacob said turning to walk away with the others. "Embry careful not to get too close, it's slippery up here." Jared said but Embry just said "yeah" not listening to the warning.

"Let's go." Leah said as he rest went to go get in the trucks but as Embry turned to follow he slipped and lost his footing. "AGH!" He yelled as he slipped down the cliff edge. "Embry!" You yelled as you dived to catch hold of his hand.

You just managed to grab hold of him. "Hang on!" You yelled. Embry tried his hardest to pull himself up but the cliff edge was just too slippery for him to grip anything.

You slowly started to slip forward as Embry's weight pulled you with him. "Shit!" You said as you noticed. "Let go!" He said realising you were in danger. "There's no way in hell I'd do that!" You said as the waves crashed underneath you.

"We can do this!" You said managing to hold onto a chunk of rock with your other hand. "When I tell you to start pulling and climbing!" You said struggling to keep hold of the rock. Embry nodded.

"Now!" You said pulling as hard as you could. You groaned in pain as it felt like your torso was being torn in half. Embry climbed and climbed until he was safe.

"Quick grab them!" Jared said as him and Paul dragged you away from the edge.

"Are you guys okay?" Paul asked. You nodded. "I am because of you." He said taking hold of your hand. "You gotta be careful!" You said sounding like his mother

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