Embry Call: asking you out

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Time went on and I'd been going to Emily's to help her around the house for about two weeks now. Honestly the pay wasn't even worth going to help her but money wasn't my reason for visiting her every day. The reason I'd go, even on days she didn't need me, was because of Embry. Everything about him was just so perfect! The way his brown eyes made his stunning face stand out, the way his body looked like it was sculpted by gods and the way his smile lit up the whole room.

We had become pretty close in the two weeks I had got to know him. He was funny, smart and always made me smile. The other guys were pretty cool as well but all of my attention was on Embry. "Hey Hun." Said Emily as I walked through the front door. "Hey!" I said putting down my bag and walking to the kitchen where she was sat.

"I didn't know you were dropping by today!" She said smiling. I just nodded. "Oh- really?" I said. "I thought I was cleaning for you!" I said obviously lying. "Bull!" Said one of the boys. "She's just here to see Embry!" Said Jared and I sent him a death glare. Embry thumped his elbow into Jared's chest and everyone laughed. Embry quickly turned to me and smiled. I blushed.

"Hey can someone go and tell Jake and Quil that lunch is almost ready. "I'll go!" I said smiling, she just nodded. "Yea, me too." Said Embry standing and smiling at me. "Oh ho ho!" Said Jared. "Didn't know it took two people to go get them!" He said winking at Paul who just gave us a cheeky grin. "Use protection!" He said and that's when Emily smacked the back of his head and then smiled at me. I smiled at her and tried to keep my blush from being seen.

"So-" Embry said after we'd left the house. "You came by today too huh?" He said putting his hands in his pockets. I nodded. "I- guess I got the days mixed up!" I said trying not to laugh at how obvious it was. "I'm glad." He said smiling. "Huh?" I said. "W-well I'm glad you came by today!" He said smiling. I blushed. "Actually I came by to see you all." I said tucking a strand of hair behind my ear. "Really?" He said looking even happier.

"Yeah!" I said. "Well mainly you!" Did I just actually say that? "Really?" He asked stopping, I just nodded. "A- well then-" he began. "Maybe we could go out sometime!" He said and I nodded. "I'd love to!" I said staring into his gorgeous eyes. He smiled and we continued walking to Jacob and Quil.

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