Sam Uley: imprint

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You looked at your watch, just 20 minutes left until that last bell would ring and you'd be set free!

Eventually the 20 minutes passed, even though they felt like an hour, and you ran out of your chemistry class and to your locker where you saw your eager boyfriend waiting for you.

"Hey," you said pressuring a kiss to his lips. "I was thinking that maybe tonight we could~" Lewis went on about something he wanted to do, you nodded in agreement even though you didn't want to go.

You knew if you said no he'd get mad and yell at you.

"Sorry," some big guy said standing next to you. He bumped you slightly when opening his locker, which confused you because that locker belonged to Sam Ulley and he definitely wasn't that buff!

You looked up to his face, shocked to see that it really was him! You didn't know him personally but since you're lockers were next to eachother you occasionally made small talk with him.

Sam looked down at you, freezing as his eyes met yours. You gulped as your body was overwhelmed with a pure feeling of- well you didn't know what it was, you'd never felt this way before, but whatever it was you didn't want it to end.

Sam's big lips slowly curled upwards in an innocent smile.

"Hey? are you even listening?" Lewis said grabbing hold of your arm a little too tightly, and pulling you to face him.

"Ouch!" You quietly yelped. Sam tensed up. "If you keep day dreaming you're not going to hear what I have to say!" Lewis said through clenched teeth.

"Sorry," you said looking down. Lewis let go of your arm. "You're such an idiot sometimes, maybe if I hit you hard enough I can knock some sense into that thick skull of yours." Sam couldn't help but slam his locker door shut.

"I said I was sorry!" You said signing, you knew not to talk back to your hot headed boyfriend but for some reason you felt safe right now.

"What was that?" He said lowering himself to your height. "I- I'm sorry-" you said realising what you'd done.

"You will be." He said dragging you to his car. Every bone in Sam's body wanted to rip that punks head off! But he knew you had some form of feelings for that pig, and he really didn't want to upset you.

Sam followed behind, making sure that Lewis' grip didn't get too tight. When you finally got to his car you gulped.

"Get in." He said openings his door. You shook your head. "What?" You stepped back. "You're mad-" you said realising how scared you were right now.

"I said get in." He said grabbing your arm and twisting it in an awkward position.

"Hey- she said no!" Sam said pulling you out of your abusive boyfriends hands. "Sam?" You said shocked. You couldn't help but love the feeling of him touching you.

"Let's go," Sam said walking past Lewis, he moved his hands off of you, worried you didn't want him to touch you.

"Hey get back here you little-" Lewis reached forward for you but before he even had chance to touch you, Sam slammed him down onto the hood of his car.

"Don't touch her!" He growled. "Don't ever touch her again." He said shaking. Before you knew it Sam had run off, leaving you, Lewis and the entire parking lot full of students stood shocked.
I hated the old one to I changed it!

Thanks for reading!

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