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You stood in between Jared and Seth watching as the two of them dared Leah to try and do a back flip.

"I bet you $50 she can do it!" Seth said making his sister frown. "When did you get $50?" She asked crossing her arms. "$50 says she can't!" You chuckled as your boyfriend crossed his arms.

"$50 I can steal her away from you." You looked up into the trees to see a man sat in them. "What-?" Seth asked confused.

"I bet you $50 I can make the girl fall for me." He said looking directly at you. Leah growled. "Leech!" She snapped making her brother tense up.

"So what do you say beautiful girl-" he fell from the tree in a blink of an eye and was instantly in front of you with your hand in his.

"Be mine?" He asked enticing you in with those red eyes. You stood speechless as he kissed your hand or at least tried to.

Jared Growled startling everyone, making he wild life around you run and the ground shake. "Get away from her." He spat out as his body shook.

The vampire frowned before straightening up. "A wolf?" He said noticing the others surrounding you. Jared shook ferociously.

"Benjamin get away from her!" Edward yelled running from the trees. Benjamin moved away quickly realising the danger he was in.

"I'm sorry he-" Edward tried to explain but you knew it was best for them to leave so you nodded before turning to Jared.

"It's okay!" You said wrapping your arms around his torso. "Take me home." You whispered in his ear, instantly calming him.

He swiftly took hold of your hand before pulling you to safety. Leah and Seth followed behind, keeping an eye on the leeches behind them.


I'm down to party with Ben if ya know what I mean!😉

But who would you choose over Benjamin or Jared?

Twilight wolf pack: imprintsWhere stories live. Discover now