|| Seth Clearwaters: Bedroom||

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You were Seth's imprint, his mate yet he hardly ever touched you. True you were both only 16 so sex wasn't a necessary in your relationship but you were a 16 year old girl for crying out loud!

Plus Seth was shirtless 80% of the time! You were sat at Sam's house because he needed the pack to do something that was too dangerous for Seth and Emily was visiting her mother so he told the two of you to stay there.

"Wanna watch some TV?" Seth asked. You just nodded and sat beside him. He flicks through the channels and you used his moment to take in every detail of his body.

You started with his face. His amazing, chiseled face that you just wanted to kiss! Next his neck which had veins showing everyone in a while, you didn't know why but t was hot!

You moved down to his chest which was sadly covered by his shirt. Your eyes went lower until they landed on his- "hey?" He snapped you out of it.

"What's wrong?" He asked looking at you. "Huh? Me? Nothing!" You squeaked out. He just frowned. He put his hand to your head and checked for a temperature.

"Your burning up!" He said sounding concerned. "You have no idea!" You replied. Suddenly your cheeks turned bright red as you couldn't get the sexual thoughts out of your head. "Your really getting hotter-" he said getting closer to you.

Since you were Seth's imprint he cared about you, more than anything else so he came as close as he possibly could and decided he'd take your temperature.

He accidentally looked down and saw your cleavage. That's when his shorts suddenly started to get tighter and tighter and tighter.

"Seth?" You said when you noticed him staring. "Hmm?" He said breaking his eyes away.

You noticed the bulge in his trousers now and decided you'd have a little fun here! You pulled him close and opened your mouth but nothing came out.

"Do you want me to touch you?" He asked huskily. You nodded. His hands instantly moved to your breasts, he slowly grouped you and pressed his lips against yours.

You couldn't control yourself anymore and your hand moved up to the bulge. You pressed your hand against it gently which earned you a grunt from Seth.

You smirked and slowly undid his zip. He moved on to your neck and started to suck and leave bite marks over you.

You slowly slid your hand into his shorts, the only thing between your hand and his member was his underwear.

You took hold of him and he moaned. "Sorry-" you said letting him go. He shook his head. "No, it was good!" He said still enjoying that moment.

"Should I-?" He nodded and you put your hand back. He couldn't take the pleasure and ended up letting you do most of the work.

You pushed him down and pulled his shorts down, just enough so you had access. You said you'd hands into his shorts and started jerking.

He moaned out which only turned you on more. You continued doing this until he was at his peak. But Seth didn't want it to all end here! Not when he'd done nothing to you so he pushed you down.

He started undoing your trousers and eventually pulled your shirt off, his was gone along time ago. He looked at you before removing your underwear and saw that you wanted more so he went in.

You squeezed his shoulder as he adjusted in you. "Ready?" He asked as you nodded. He started thrusting more and more and you could feel yourself enjoying it.

You let out moan after moan until the two of you were finished. Seth kissed you passionately before saying "finally!"


So how was this one?

I think this is possibly the smuttiest one!

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